Saturday, February 01, 2025

THE BIBLICAL RAPTURE: Exposing False Rapture Doctrine


When the disciples of Jesus asked him what would be the signs of his return and the end of the world, he preached the Olivet Discourse in reply, telling them about false Christs and spiritual deception, nations and kingdoms going to war, earthquakes, famines, and plagues that would come...the beginning of sorrows. He told them about armies surrounding Jerusalem and a man of sin desecrating the rebuilt Temple of God. He told them how believers must flee when the Antichrist revealed himself and of a terrible time of great tribulation for the saints of God that would be unrivaled in all of human history past and future. He told them how God's saints would be persecuted, hated, arrested and killed for His name's sake, and he even told them of the tremendous cosmic signs in the heavens heralding his return to put an end to the suffering of his faithful servants before unleashing his wrath upon the world. Jesus Christ answered his disciples questions and so much more, but out of all he told them about his future return he NEVER MENTIONED the Pretrib Rapture.

This supernatural gathering of God's saints unto Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven will be one of the most important and amazing events in human history. Pretribbers tell us that Jesus does not rapture anyone in the events of the Olivet Discourse.

Doesn't it seem strange to say that Jesus left out the most anticipated event of all time, for Christians, when he described what would happen prior to his return?
Isn't it odd that we do not find one verse from Jesus telling Christians that he will come for them before the Antichrist arrives to persecute believers? NOT ONE WORD...

JAMES SOMERS goes head-to-head with Pretrib Rapture doctrine, comparing scripture with scripture and scripture with this dispensationalist teaching made so popular by its inclusion in the Scofield Reference Bible notes and the Left Behind books & movies. SE7EN DECEPTIONS examines in detail the lack of scriptural support for this view, the twisting and rejection of scripture contrary to this view, as well as its recent beginnings and lack of support by the early church. In contrast, SE7EN DECEPTIONS examines the Biblical Rapture presented by Jesus Christ in reply to his disciples during the Olivet Discourse sermon and compares it to teachings by Paul, John, Daniel, Joel and more. SE7EN DECEPTIONS includes a verse by verse commentary of the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and commentary on Matthew 25. SE7EN DECEPTIONS also looks at the DANGERS of this view in the context of Christian expectations of Christ's return and the results when this view fails on its promises.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022



Sorry folks, it's been a bit since any new news has appeared here on the blog...COVID19 and all...but, for those still waiting upon the Raven's Hand sequel, KILLIAN'S BLADE is still being written. It's taking longer than I expected and a lot has been happening with moving and two new grandchildren added to our family!!

However, the new novel is shaping up nicely and I hope to release it ASAP when completed.

I hope it won't be a Rothfuss Doors of Stone type of thing ;)

Tuesday, November 03, 2020



KILLIAN'S BLADE, the sequel to RAVEN'S HAND is on the way in 2021.
I wanted to share the cover artwork for the new novel and get any thoughts anyone wants to share. 

Raven's Hand is currently FREE on AMAZON KINDLE this week and if anyone wants to review the AUDIOBOOK for FREE then simply send me an email or find me on facebook and send me a message there to get a free code for the audiobook from AUDIBLE.COM

Friday, October 16, 2020

Raven's Hand Audio Book has officially dropped on and I'm offering a special promotion to celebrate its release. I have 20 PROMO-CODES to give away FREE! to anyone willing to listen to the novel and review it on when you're done. This is my latest sword and sorcery type fantasy novel. If you enjoyed the Descendants Saga then you will probably enjoy Raven's Hand.
To get your free PROMO-CODE send me an email to or find me on FACEBOOK and send me a Messenger Message for the code.


Thursday, September 17, 2020


 It's been a while since I've posted anything because I've been so busy with school and family and now school again...

However, I've just re-released RAVEN'S HAND on Kindle and Print formats, with the new AUDIOBOOK coming from AUDIBLE.COM in a matter of days.

The RE-RELEASE features new cover artwork by an amazing graphic designer...CLICK PIC

On the World of Titan, Royal Great Houses struggle with one another for domination. The Daughters of Eliam, born with mysterious supernatural gifts, are bred as slaves, becoming bonds to the heirs of each royal house in order to supply them with extended life and powerful abilities with which to rule their kingdoms.

Raven was born to be a slave, but she questions why it should be so...even as she repeatedly dreams of a man she has never met who will come to sweep her away from the life of misery that awaits her. As the king waits for imminent death to take him, the leaders of the great houses prepare for a war to seize the throne. What part does Raven play in the struggles of the kingdom, and does the man she dreams of each night really exist?

The RE-RELEASE also features the very talented Juliet Jones narrating for


Saturday, January 07, 2017

HAVOC is HERE and it's FREE!!!

As promised, I have finally finished HAVOC and it's totally FREE!

Here is the link to get it in all formats: 

This completes the Descendants Saga and I hope everyone enjoys the novella.

Thursday, January 05, 2017


What you talkin' bout, Willis?!

Yes, HAVOC is coming in the next few days and I'm going to release it FREE TO EVERYONE!


Well, it's simple: I've taken longer than planned to finish it and its more like a novella...honestly, I finished what I wanted to say for Descendants and like someone else said, its been nine novels. I hate to drag things out and pad it with nothing productive, so HAVOC will be free to the public and comes in at about 114 pages. I'm toying with the idea of adding these pages on at the end of Crisis for future readers, but that won't affect anyone getting it free now. I'll have it out there free no matter what!

Now, in order to get the novel free, I'm going to place it on Smashwords and it will be available in all formats that Smashwords handles, including Amazon Kindle. I'm hoping it will pass through the online system from Smashwords and show up on Amazon as a free novel pretty quickly, but I'm not going to put it directly on Amazon unless it never shows up at all...placing it directly on Amazon would require a .99cent price point...I just want it to be free for everyone who's been waiting so long for it to come out.

At any rate, I'll post the SMASHWORDS LINK here on my website as soon as it releases!

Since, Descendants will be finished, I've got another NOVEL IDEA cooking, called:

"CIRCLE OF SE7EN" and I'm really excited about it. Doing the world-building already and hoping for an epic tale, so stay tuned!