Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Covers and New News!

I'm still hard at work on the new sequel to "THE SERPENT KINGS," called "THE WRAITH DANCER," and still expect to see it out in all Ebook formats by Christmas 2011. In addition to this sequel, I now plan to finish the Serpent Kings as a trilogy, concluding with a final novel in 2012 entitled, "THE SHADOW WALKER." I had thought to title the novel as The Prophet King, but a recent epiphany changed my fragile mind on the matter.

I wanted to also share new covers for the REALM SHIFT TRILOGY that I think are much better looking! They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but we all know that isn't the case. Anyway, if a picture is worth a thousand words then I believe these new covers say much better things for the Trilogy which remains popular and is still one of my favorite fantasy sagas...check em' out if you haven't already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to see The Realm Shift bk 2 & 3 on the nook and the smashwords.