When the disciples of Jesus asked him what would be the signs of his return and the end of the world, he preached the Olivet Discourse in reply, telling them about false Christs and spiritual deception, nations and kingdoms going to war, earthquakes, famines, and plagues that would come...the beginning of sorrows. He told them about armies surrounding Jerusalem and a man of sin desecrating the rebuilt Temple of God. He told them how believers must flee when the Antichrist revealed himself and of a terrible time of great tribulation for the saints of God that would be unrivaled in all of human history past and future. He told them how God's saints would be persecuted, hated, arrested and killed for His name's sake, and he even told them of the tremendous cosmic signs in the heavens heralding his return to put an end to the suffering of his faithful servants before unleashing his wrath upon the world. Jesus Christ answered his disciples questions and so much more, but out of all he told them about his future return he NEVER MENTIONED the Pretrib Rapture.
This supernatural gathering of God's saints unto Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven will be one of the most important and amazing events in human history. Pretribbers tell us that Jesus does not rapture anyone in the events of the Olivet Discourse.Isn't it odd that we do not find one verse from Jesus telling Christians that he will come for them before the Antichrist arrives to persecute believers? NOT ONE WORD...