Saturday, July 27, 2013


The Next Novel in the Descendants Saga is well on its way toward completion. I don't have a release date just yet, but I've made a title change and cover change that I wanted to share.
The novel will be a part of a new Descendants trilogy where Cole becomes the first person viewpoint character in the story. For fans, don't worry, Brody West is still a big part of this story. However, Brody had four novels under his viewpoint and I thought changing perspectives might be a nice change.

This story picks up at the very end of MILLENNIUM with the Descendants, under Brody's leadership, traveling to Ireland with the hope of making a new home there, after all of the trouble on the spiritual plane and back in England.
As the release nears, I'll post more updates...
Also, at this point, it's unclear what the fate of the FALLEN AUDIOBOOK is going to be. I had a producer / narrator out in California who had begun work, but something has apparently happened? Literally, I haven't been able to reach him in weeks and neither has Amazon/ACX the company we're both contracted through. Not sure if he's still on the planet or not? Again, I'll update you...but hopefully he's all right. As for the audiobook, if our contract is dissolved then I can simply put the novel up for other narrator / producers to take a look at on Amazon / ACX. So, we'll see how that pans out.

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